Spring/Summer Natural Resources Newsletter


Pulikla Tribe of Yurok People will host a group of 20 to 30 youth, ages 7-14, who will participate in a 3-day Ocean Stewards Camp August 5-7th, 2024. The camp will take place on Pulikla Tribe of Yurok People reservation, as well as throughout Yurok Ancestral Territory, including Omen Hipur and Hidden Beach, where the Natural Resources Department conducts marine monitoring. The camp will prioritize youth that are Tribal Citizens but will be open to non-tribal youth as well. Campers will be introduced to marine science and cultural education, including developing an understanding of important land to sea connections, water quality, and ocean health. They will also learn monitoring techniques and how to collect data in rocky intertidal, riverine/estuarine and sandy beach environments. Pulikla Tribal members and cultural knowledge bearers will participate to share traditional ways of taking care of the ocean and coast. Lastly, we will celebrate the last day of camp with a rafting trip on the Klamath River!

Please send completed sign up packet to michelle.kunst@resighinirancheria.com, drop off at the Pulikla Tribe of Yurok People front desk at 177 Nepuey Road, Klamath, or mail to PO Box 529, Klamath, CA 95548.


Click here to download Ocean Camp Registration packet

Published: September 22, 2021
Category: Tribal News