Official Pulikla Tribe of Yurok People Website

The Tribal Citizens of the Pulikla Tribe of Yurok People remain on the lands and waters where our ancestors have survived since noohl hee-kon (the beginning). This includes the lower Klamath River and tributary watersheds, high country, coast and lagoons along the Pacific Ocean, and the ocean off this coastline west to the horizon. Our identity and cultural lifeways are inextricably tied to this place.
Learn more about Pulikla Tribe of Yurok People
Tribal Citizen Services
All programs and services offered by the Tribe are carried out effectively and with the greatest benefit to Tribal Citizens.
Lena Reed McCovey Community Center
Employment & RFQs
Looking for the
Perfect Getaway?
Located at the top of the Klamath River estuary, the Cher-ere Bridge Campground is an excellent place to camp when you want to fish, or just explore this magical area. Cher-ere Bridge Campground.
Call for more information 707-482-1255
or book it online.