Qualified Voter and Absentee Ballots












Published: November 20, 2020
Category: Tribal News



Voter Registration: Please be sure that you are registered to vote for the upcoming General Election.

If one of the following is true for you, then you are no longer a qualified voter and must register in order to be permitted to vote:

  • You have not voted within a two (2) year period in a Tribal General Election;
  • You have recently turned eighteen (18) years of age; or
  • You have otherwise never been registered.

How to Register:

  • Contact the Tribe by email (office@resighinirancheria.com), mail, in person at the Tribal Office, or by phone to make a request to become a registered voter.
  • A voter registration card will then be mailed to you.
  • Return voter registration card to the Tribe.
  • Registration is open until fifteen (15) days before the General Election.

Absentee Voting: If you are interested in voting absentee and are a qualified voter, please be sure to make a request for an absentee ballot. All requests for absentee ballots handled by mail, should be received not less than seven (7) days before the General Election day.

Ways Request A “Green Card” to be a Registered Voter and/or An Absentee Voter:

  • Mail: PO Box 529, Klamath, CA 95548
  • Email: office@resighinirancheria.com

Contact Information: It is the responsibility of every voter to provide a current mailing address to the Tribe. All correspondence regarding tribal elections will be mailed to the last address supplied by the voter.

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